Siit leiad juhendi tarnijatele lihtsaks Eestisisese transpordi tellimiseks Petkafy vahendusel.
Petkafy Maintenance Reporting in Android Application
We have recently launched Petkafy application called FactoryFloor that runs on any Android based device and allows to see and report maintenance and repairs directly at the location of any machine or tool. A mobile application is nice to have
Add Unlimited Characteristics to Machines, Tools and other Equipment
Just updated Petkafy with a small feature allowing you to add unlimited number of characteristics and their values to Machines, Tools and other Equipment. This might be useful to store data about the specific machine or tool, because we are unable
Analysis – OEE & Production Performance Measurement Explanation
Production performance measurement principles used in Petkafy management system including: – Capacity Utilization, – Overall Equipment Efficiency (OEE) and – Production Index (PI) are explained in detail in the downloadable file below: Petkafy OEE Definitions – click on the link and your download
Scrap Stock Created
Some of our customers have asked for this functionality, so we created a separate scrap stock that can be used to track and store your rejected parts in Petkafy. You can call it quarantine, reject stock or however you like,
Workers can be Created During User Administration
Just a small, but comfortable shortcut that especially smaller companies without a long list of already imported workers have probably missed. You can now create a new worker for Your company in Petkafy directly when administrating usernames and do not have to
Comment Tools, Machines or Other Equipment
It is now easy to communicate in Petkafy in case of issues related to tools, machines or any other equipment. Just click on the comments icon next to the tool or machine number in Maintenance Plan and a comments block
Import Helpers and Sample Files Available
We have just finished improving the Import tool of Petkafy Cloud versions where importing data from Excel files is quite important for efficient operations. There are now proper sample files available for all importable data models, so You can just modify the
Required Material Quantities can be seen while Planning Production
Just added another helpful feature and in addition to the available materials stock You can now see the needed amount of materials during Production Planning on Machines dynamically as You type in the planned production quantities. If the stock level
Access Production Orders and Reports from Machine Schedule Directly
As a small update You can now create and acess Production Orders and see the reported production directly from the Machines Planning (Machine Schedule) view. Just click on the small arrow on any planned job in the Machine Schedule and a