Unlimited Bill of Material (BOM) levels
- Visualized demand plan
- Production recommendations
- Production planning (live input from production monitoring)
- Real time production monitoring (SenSei)
- Advanced production reporting
Floor to top level communication
- Automatic notifications
- Statistical Process Control (SPC)
- Operator hours collection, overview and analysis
- Production, quality and stoppage statistics
- OEE analysis
Customers administration
- Sales orders administration from quotation to invoice
- Delivery handling
- Shipment notifications to customers (ASN)
- Product cost price calculation
- Sales and delivery statistics
- Delivery performance statistics
- Visualized demand plan
Suppliers administration
- Visualized demand plan
- Purchase recommendations (single click order creation)
- Purchase orders administration (e-mails including all attachments)
- Receipts handling
- Statistics including supplier delivery performance
Machines, tools and auxiliary equipment maintenance administration
- Service intervals based on working hours, production cycles and time
- Maintenance instructions (including photos)
- Maintenance planning based on demand plan
- Floor level maintenance task creation including photos
- Maintenance reporting including photos
- Unlimited tool BOM levels
- Production and lifetime history of each tool component
Pointing out breakdown locations on tool layout images
- Live production cycles and hours input from production monitoring
- Spare part stock management
- Unique spare parts lifetime dynamics with unlimited characteristics
- Automatic notifications
- Statistics and analysis including breakdown heatmaps
Real time stock
- Location control
- Batch traceability with unlimited related characteristics
- Unique items (i.e. serial no.) traceability from purchasing to delivery
- Full traceability of each transaction with stock log
- Stock value and turnover analysis