by visualizing the opportunities and priorities
Running a plastics processing company and looking for the best tool to manage Your production?
Try our demo and see what Petkafy can do for You!
What is Petkafy
Petkafy could well be the best operational production management software for injection moulding companies on the market, because it has been developed in close co-operation with the leading plastics manufacturers to provide: Simple and visual production planning (machine scheduling). Easy, but sufficiently
Dedicated to processing plastics with its specifics! Accessible from anywhere in the world! Easy to implement and use! Visualizes undistorted manufacturing demand plan! Provides simple and flexible machine schedule! Helps to avoid planning mistakes and focus on efficiency! Visualizes waste (scrap and stoppage)!
Functions at a Glance
Production Unlimited Bill of Material (BOM) levels Visualized demand plan Production recommendations Production planning (live input from production monitoring) Real time production monitoring (SenSei) Advanced production reporting Floor to top level communication Automatic notifications Statistical Process Control (SPC) Operator hours
Petkafy is a MES

It helps you to run your business on top of your ERP system or your “delicate Excel ecosystem”. In both cases you probably lack a lot of IT and software functionality while executing your manufacturing plans and improvements. MES stands
Read moreIt’s one crazy system
We have used Petkafy first version (called Petka) for years now and it's simply great!
Petkafy helps us to see and act
Petkafy helps us every day to visualize the demand, plan our resources and schedule production in a way we could not do before. Being as simple as possible it fits our needs perfectly!
Interested, but not sure?
Try our demo and see what Petkafy can do for Your company!