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Analysis – Operator Efficiency – Petkafy.com

Petkafy Shift Results ChartBased on Your product master data and production reports Petkafy automatically provides statistics of Your operator efficiency as a monthly key performance indicator for which You are free to set a monthly target, but also as a more operative daily indicator in each shift.

Operator EfficiencyFurthermore, the operator efficiency is measured and shown for each of Your operators and You can see the actual values behind the calculated results for every day by a single click. This way You will always know what Your people are doing and can lead Your staff to achieve even greater targets. These real efficiency values are often used as an input to employee motivation packages by our customers and if Your reporting is properly implemented, You do not need additional working hours reporting even for monthly salary payments.

Shift Operator EfficiencyAs always, all calculations in Petkafy are pretty much self-explanatory and  You will not have to calculate or process anything monthly in Excel again.

Try Petkafy DEMO