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Know Your Demand – Petkafy.com

Petkafy can take Your foreacasts and delivery schedules and show You the need for resources.

The Strategic View

Petkafy Machine Utilization ForecastPetkafy will show You the machine capacity tied to foreacasts and call-offs, so You are able to predict seasonal difficulties and timely reorganize Your capacity if needed. This allows You to prepare for demand peaks and generate buffers where necessary, but also to cut the costs or push Your sales in case some machines have forecasted capacity utilization close to zero. Anyhow, it is a picture that any owner or the CEO of a manufacturing unit should have in order to take strategic decisions and run a successful business.

Operational Decisions

Petkafy PPQ DetailsEach call-off or delivery line of Your finished products generates a demand line in Petkafy for itself and its components (decendants) in the Bill of Material. This way You can see the demand and depletion of each item in detail. Furthermore, You can see when it will or has been produced, if its components and materials are available in stock and in case You are not looking at a finished item You will also see in what product it is needed on each delivery line.

Petkafy Demand Plan - stock depletionBased on Your call-offs in the delivery schedule and existing stock levels Petkafy generates a visual Demand Plan to the deepest level of the bill of material (part structure) of each of Your items. This will show You when Your stocks run out and may it be a finished, semifinished or purchased part, You will be able to plan and prioritize Your production or purchase based on this information. Simple color coding will make You notice immediately, if the items that run out of stock have been planned for production or ordered from the suppliers or not. The plan can be rendered to show daily or weekly demand, of course, so You have the needed precision.

140429_Petkafy_Demand_Plan_smallThe Demand Plan will not only help You to plan and avoid the stock depletion, but You can also see the needed machine and operator hours to cope with the demand in each day, week or month. This is especially useful if You are working with very limited resources, because You can timely prepare for peaks and to level the demand fluctuation by starting the production in advance when You see some possible time slots.

You can plan an item into production with one click directly from the Demand Plan and there are all sorts of helpful tricks You can use, such as seeing the calculated sum of any cells just by selecting them with Your mouse (just like in Excel, right?) or changing the estimated productivity by adjusting Your planned OEE, but You will probably learn more once You get there.

Measuring Results

Petkafy Sales DashboardBased on delivery schedule and Your actual delivery data Petkafy can already start to show You how Your company is doing. There are two dashboards that Petkafy will automatically generate even if You have not actually started to manage Your production yet:

From Demand to Product Realization

Petkafy Production Plan tools will help You from this point of knowing Your demand to actual product realization.

Read more about Production Planning here…