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TJ Süsteemiarendus Ltd. – Petkafy.com

TJ SüsteemiarendusTJ Süsteemiarendus Ltd. is a company located in Tartu, Estonia established to develop software and consult manufacturing companies inline with international standards, automotive requirements and Lean principles. TJ Süsteemiarendus or TJS is an abbreviation of Production Management Systems Development in estonian (secret language spoken by 1,3 million people in Europe).

Even though the earliest version of Petkafy dates back to 2004 when first lines of its code were written for production reporting and data analysis, TJS was founded as sort of a spin-off company next to Promens factory in Rõngu, Estonia only in 2007 to start offering manufacturing system development services also to other customers. It took a few years and several supporting projects including co-operation with other automotive manufacturing companies before we could launch Petkafy as a self-sustained product in 2014.

We have built web platforms for learning and fun and our products vary from car club portals including stock control to one of the first estonian personal financing and budgeting portal. None of this is made to collect profit, but has been created to solve our own need for light-weight and flexible software that fits our needs and Petkafy is no exception.

Petkafy is a product of TJS that we are especially proud of, because it has been developed by our best knowledge in close co-operation with the leading injection moulding companies and is based on real life requirements and problems that manufacturing companies face despite having mindblowing ERP-s and complicated Excel systems. It is visual and flexible, integrates Your complete manufacturing data and helps You to use it for more efficient planning and improved performance.

If You wish to learn more about us, our products or Petkafy, contact us and we are happy to help You further.

Thank You!